Galactic civilizations 3 best custom race
Galactic civilizations 3 best custom race

galactic civilizations 3 best custom race

One is ready to go up, it's just my own perfectionism that keeps me looking at it for improvements.

galactic civilizations 3 best custom race

Again I don't know if that adds buoyancy to your vessal.

galactic civilizations 3 best custom race

Most of my in progress civilizations are based on Rick and Morty. I don't know if that floats your boat but it's not garbage. Unreleased because I have standards and won't put something out unless I feel it's good as is and not just a placeholder for a finished product, though I do improve things later. And if you have nothing invested in them they're just a collection of stats, which they rarely even tell you. If I have no attachment to them they just feel like an unprofessional product. I do find it hard to be interested in others custom factions. You need to tell people why they should want to download something. Also bothered by lack of detailed descriptions. I don't know how someone could upload that and not feel shame. Or some that I download and find their leader is Leader Name, from the planet Homeworld. I'm disheartened by the number of "New Race Name", "Place description here" civilizations.

Galactic civilizations 3 best custom race